Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Dance Night!

Wow! What a fun evening! I hope that all of our couples and their parents had as much fun as I did! We should be able to post some photos from the party here in the next couple of days. Thanks to everyone that made it happen--all of our wonderful vendors, my fabulous staff, and most of all, of course, all of you that attended.
I want you all to know that we didn't forget about the door prizes! What happened was this. I hadn't planned on going over to the chapel, but several folks at the party asked if they could see it, so after the dance lesson we went to see the chapel. While we were over there, people started leaving, which was understandable in the whole scheme of things, but needless to say, when I got back to the ballroom, half the folks had left! So we decided to do the drawing and call the winners and let them know what their prize is. I promise, it will all be on the up and up, and we will let the winners know this coming week.
As I mentioned at the party, the doorprizes/bingo sheet thing was a thought that hit me the night before, and we really didn't have a lot of time to work the bugs out. It worked really well though, and I think we will probably do it again in November. The difference is that we'll have a few months to think about it this time!
Thanks for coming to First Dance Night! I hope that you had as much fun as I did. Our next First Dance Night will be November 30th (this is the Sunday after Thanksgiving) and we are thinking it will probably be a little earlier in the evening, maybe 4 to 7? If you have an opinion on the time, please feel free to comment, I would appreciate your input!

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