Saturday, April 30, 2011

Phillip and Julia 4-30-2011

Wow!  Black and white weddings have really returned to the forefront this year!  Black and white in combination with a color-pink, fuchsia, red, bright green, yellow, you name it!  Surprisingly, it isn't always in combination with black bridesmaid's gowns as in the past.  The gowns have been in the bright color many times, or at least with a bright colored sash or trim.  Really pretty combinations!

Phil and Julia used a beautiful shade of raspberry pink, soft but vibrant.  Really pretty.  They had originally planned on the garden for their ceremony, however with all the wet weather in the last couple of weeks, along with the high winds that were whipping through the garden, they decided that the chapel might be a better option. 
Here are some photos from their ceremony and reception:

 Their 2 year old twin daughters were flower girls.  They also were very interested in dancing with mom and dad for their first dance!

Lovely wedding you two!  All our best for a wonderful future together!

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